Phoroptors, or Refractors, are the backbone of every Ophthalmic Lane. In order to keep them functioning properly, they need to be maintained regularly.
Tek-Net can address any problem that may affect your instrument. Whether you need a basic cleaning or a complete reconditioning, make sure Tek-Net is your first call. Our technicians are specialists in aligning & calibrating your instrument. We have dozens of loaner Refractors available for your use. We do not charge for loaner use. All you are responsible for are the shipping costs.
Many service companies actually send Phoroptors in to us when they are in need of cylinder or prism repair, calibration & alignment.
If you are comparing service companies, please make sure you understand what you are getting for your money. What one company calls a Preventive Maintenance another may call a reconditioning.
To ensure that your instrument functions up to your expectations, we recommend an annual Preventive Maintenance. A Preventive Maintenance is much more than simple lens cleaning. We disassemble the unit, check for worn or broken parts, remove old, dried out, dirty grease and reassemble it to factory specifications. Cylinder lens, rotary prism and cross cylinder alignments and calibrations are all verified and adjusted where necessary. Only when it is working like new, do we clean the optics and outer case.
Serving New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland